Inner Space Sanctuary
Energize and Heal

[Gather testimonials from satisfied clients and, with their permission, post here.]

“Helene has tremendous knowledge, a compassionate style, and gentle touch. 
She has a true gift “of listening” to the whole body. Chronic pain, anxiety and a case of pneumonia are what originally brought me to Helene. Feeling fragile and overwhelmed by stress, Inner Space Sanctuary quickly became a nurturing environment and safe place for me. Helene instilled confidence as she balanced my energies and carefully designed a daily practice. I could feel my body calm and strengthen as I used the tools she gave me. Today, I do my energy exercises every day and I when I need Helene ~ I know that she is there for me. 
With gratitude, 
Deborah Friedson, Niskayuna

I was referred to Helene a few years ago by a physician who knows her and her gift of Energy Medicine. It has been and continues to be one of the best things I've done for my health.  She's intuitive, kind, caring and understands the flow of the body's energy. This enables her to find and release energy blockages/weaknesses that are causing discomfort and adding to illnesses.  She teaches you how to find blockages or weaknesses and how to correct them.  She's just wonderful.

Barbara Carrier, Niskayuna
I was introduced to Helene by one of her clients.  Helene became not only my energy healer, but my teacher as well. Helene teaches me how to heal myself daily using this alternative medicine, so my healing can continue after I leave her office . 
Helene is incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about her field.  To accompany these attributes, she also has a strong intuitive sense the guides her to heal each individual. 
After a session with Helene, I walk away feeling stronger, lighter and definitely happier.  I highly recommend energy healing with Helene; it's wonderful way to care for your body and soul. 
-Debra Nicastro, Saratoga Springs
Helene participated in my treatments of receiving chemo therapy over 4 months.  During each treatment she used Energy Medicine principles to balance me in order to best receive the toxins and not have any negative responses to them.  I never felt any of the usual symptoms such as nausea, and I believe the chemo agents were optimized to the effect that it seemed that I responded more quickly that expected.  Along with Reiki, she also balanced each of the chemo agents, and taught the Oncology staff to accept this as a way to potentiate their effectiveness.  Eventually they came to expect and respect this and helped the process along by providing the agents to be held and prepared for use.  I credit Helene for a great deal of the success of my journey through cancer.
Mishka Luft, Niskayuna
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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